SQL for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Learn SQL Database

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SQL for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Learn SQL Database.

Course Description

Prerequisites to take this course.

Basic understandings of Computer programming.

Course curriculum.

  • Database Concepts
  • Preparation for SQL Development
  • Entering the Database!
    • Basic SQL Statements

      You will learn the sql statements in basic way..

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "sql statements", "basic sql statements".

    • SQL Coding Tips!

      You will find some tips for SQL Coding!

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "sql coding", "coding tips", "sql coding tips".

    • Let's describe the tables!

      Tables are the main elements of SQL programming. So you will find the description of these tables.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "oracle tables", "describing tables".

    • How to Get Data? (Select Statement)

      You will find how to SELECT data with using SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","select statement".

    • Aliasing The Columns

      How to rename the columns in SQL Select statements

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","aliasing the columns".

    • Getting Different Rows - DISTINCT Operator!

      Using SQL select statements for retrieving the values for one time.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","distinct", "distinct operator".

    • Concatenating The Returning Rows

      Using SQL concatenation operators to unite more than one rows.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","concatenation".

    • Arithmetic Expressions

      Learn arithmetic operations in SQL programming..

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","arithmetic functions".

    • What is the NULL Value? Is it dangerous?

      In this lesson we're going to learn what is the null values and is it dangerous?

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","null","null values".

  • Conditional Retrieval
    • Getting Data Just We Want - WHERE Clause!

      Restricting the returning rows with using SQL Where clause.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","where","where clause".

    • Comparison Operators

      Learn the comparison opreators in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","where","comparison operators".

    • Between...AND Operators

      Learn Between and AND operators in SQL where clause.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","between", "between and operators".

    • IN Operator

      In this lesson we're going to learn what is the IN operator?

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","in","in operator".

    • Get Me Something LIKE this

      In this lesson we're going to learn what is the LIKE and how it is used?

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","like","get me something like this".

    • What If Looking For Something NULL

      In this lesson we're going to learn what if we looking for something NULL?

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","null","what if we looking for null values".

    • Logical Operators - AND, OR, NOT

      Learn how to use logical operators which are AND operator, OR operator, NOT operator in SQL programming.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","logical operators","and","or","not","and operator","or operator","not operator".

  • Converting Data & Conversion Functions
    • What is a Function?

      SQL pre-defined functions in Oracle.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "functions", "oracle functions".

    • Why to Convert Data?

      Learn how to convert data.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "converting data", "conversion data".

    • Conversion Functions

      In this lesson, we're going to explain "Conversion Functions".

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions".

    • Converting to a Character - TO_CHAR Function

      In this lesson, we're going to learn how to convert any data type to a character with TO_CHAR function.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions", "to_char", "to_char function".

    • Converting to a Date - TO_DATE Function

      In this lesson, we're going to learn how to convert data to a date with TO_DATE function.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions", "to_date", "to_date function".

    • NULL Value Conversion - NVL Function

      Handling the NULL values in SQL

  • Ordering The Results
  • Single Row Functions
    • About Single Row Functions

      What are the single row functions in SQL

    • Character Functions

      In this lesson, we're going to learn "Character Functions" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "character functions".

    • Number Functions

      In this lesson, we're going to learn "Number Functions" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "number functions".

    • Nesting Functions

      In this lesson, we're going to learn "Nesting Functions" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "nesting functions".

    • Date Functions

      In this lesson, we're going to learn "Date Functions" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "date functions".

    • DECODE Function

      Learn how to use Oracle's specific Decode function in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "decode function".

  • Grouping the data (Group Functions)
    • What are group functions?

      What are group functions and how to use them in SQL

    • MAX Function

      In this lesson, we're going to explain "MAX Function" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "max function".

    • MIN Function

      In this lesson, we're going to learn "MIN Function" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "min function".

    • Count() Function

      Getting the number of the returning rows in SQL.

      In this lesson, we're going to explain "Count Function" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "count function".

    • AVG Function

      In this lesson, we're going to explain "AVG Function" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "average function", "avg function".

    • SUM Function

      In this lesson, we're going to explain "SUM Function" in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "sum function".

  • Grouping the Data
    • GROUP BY Clause

      This lecture teaches you how to group the data and return one value with using more than one data by these groups

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " installing oracle ", " group by "

    • HAVING Clause

      This lecture teaches you how to use HAVING Clause.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " group by " , "having clause".

  • Selecting From Multiple Tables (Joins)
    • What is join?

      This lecture teaches you introducing Joins and what does join means in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "what is join?".

    • Types of Joins!

      This lecture teaches you types of joins in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "types of joins".

    • Let's Join Tables!

      This lecture teaches you joining tables with using natural join keyword.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "joining tables", "natural join".

    • Join With USING Clause

      This lecture teaches you joining tables with using USING clause.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " join with using clause ".

    • Join with ON Clause

      This lecture teaches you joining tables with using ON keyword.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " join with on clause ".

    • Join the table with itself!

      This lecture teaches you joining tables with itself, which is called as self join.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " self join ".

    • Joining Multiple Tables

      This lecture teaches you joining tables with more than two tables

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " multiple tables ".

    • What are the Outer Joins?

      This lecture teaches you what are the Outer joins in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "outer joins".

    • What are the Left Joins? (Left Outer Joins)

      This lecture teaches you what are the left joins in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "left joins", " left outer joins ".

    • What are the Right Joins? (Right Outer Joins)

      This lecture teaches you what are the right joins in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , " oracle joins ", " right joins ", " right outer joins ".

    • Full Outer Joins

      This lecture teaches you what are the full outer joins in SQL.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "full outer joins".

    • Cross Joins - Cartesian Product

      This lecture teaches you what are the cross joins in SQL programming language (Cartesian Product).

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " oracle joins ", " cross joins ", " cartesian product ".

  • Query inside a Query - Subqueries
    • What is a subquery?

      This lecture teaches you what is a subquery in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " what is a subquery ".

    • Single Row Subqueries

      This lecture teaches you Single Row Subqueries in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " single row subqueries ".

    • Multiple Row Subqueries

      This lecture teaches you Multiple Row Subqueries in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " multiple row subqueries ".

    • Multiple Columns Subqueries

      This lecture teaches you Multiple Column Subqueries in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " multiple column subqueries ".

  • Combining Queries - SET Operators!
    • What are SET Operators and why do we use them?

      This lecture introduces you what are the SET Operators and why do we use them?

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ".

    • Combine with "UNION" and "UNION ALL" Statements

      This lecture introduces you what are the UNION and UNION ALL Operators how to use them.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ", " union " , " union all ".

    • INTERSECT'ing and EXTRACT'ing Queries

      This lecture introduces you INTERSECTing and EXTRACTing queries.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ", " minus " , " extract ".

    • More in SET Operations

      This lecture introduces you mor in SET Operators.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ".

  • Manipulating and Playing with the Data (DML)
    • What is DML and why it is used for?

      This lecture introduces you what are the DML Operations and why it is used for?

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations ".

    • INSERTing a New Record!

      This lecture introduces you inserting a new record to table.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations " , " inserting data " , " inserting new record ".

    • UPDATE the existing record!

      This lecture introduces you how to update existing record in the tables.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations " , " inserting data " , " update " , " update the existing record ".

    • DELETE records!

      This SQL tutorial explains how to delete records from the tables.

      Lecture Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "data manipulation language" , "dml", "oracle dml" , "oracle dml operations" , "inserting data" , "delete " ,"delete the data", "delete records".

    • What are COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements?

      This SQL tutorial covers what the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in SQL with practical examples.

      Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "data manipulation language", "dml", "oracle dml", "dml operations", "sql commit", "rollback", "commit statements ", "rollback statements".

  • Manipulating Tables - DDL
    • How to CREATE a Table With Many Ways and RENAME It?

      This lecture introduces you how to create a table with multiple ways and rename it

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " creating table ", " renaming tables ".

    • How to DROP an Existing Table?

      This lecture introduces you how to drop a table.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " dropping table ", " oracle dropping tables".

    • How to Add a New Column to a Table?

      This lecture introduces you how do we add a new column to a table.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " adding new column to a table ", " adding columns to tables ".

    • How to Modify an Existing Column?

      This lecture introduces you how to modify an existing column in SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " sql programming language " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " modifying column ", " how to modify an existing column ".

    • How to Drop an Existing Column of a Table?

      This lecture introduces you to how to drop an existing column of a table in the SQL programming language.

      Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", "  sql training ", " sql course ", " sql programming language " oracle database ", " ddl  " , " oracle  ddl " , " data definition language ", "drop column ", "oracle drop column", "how to drop an existing column".

  • Appendix + Conclusion

Why Conax Infotech For Databases Design & Development Training.

  • Training by experienced faculty.
  • Certificate after training completion.
  • Free WIFI for students.
  • Fully AC Classrooms with Projector.
  • 100% Job Assistance.
  • Interview guide and career consulting.
  • Doubt sessions and real IT working experience.
  • Curated study material with code documents.
  • Job oriented training programs, available in offline/online mode.

Databases Design & Development Course Schedule.

Track Week Days Course Duration Fast Track
Course Duration 45 - 60 Days 10 Weekends 15 Days
Hours 2 Hrs. Per Day 3 Hrs. Per Day 6+ Hrs. Per Day
Training Mode Classroom/Online Classroom/Online Classroom/Online
Want To Know More About This Course.


Average Rating

(3 ratings)

Detailed Rating

  • Priyam


    Awesome SQL Course!

    Conax Infotech's SQL for Beginners made learning databases a breeze. The instructors were patient, and the course content was easy to follow. Highly recommended!

  • Top-Notch SQL Training!

    Top-Notch SQL Training!


    Conax Infotech's course was a game-changer for me. The trainers simplified SQL concepts, and the practical exercises were valuable. Thank you, Conax Infotech!

  • Deepak


    Highly Impressed!

    The SQL for Beginners course by Conax Infotech was fantastic. I can now work with databases confidently. Great course!

Ajai Maurya
Ajai Maurya
Training Head

Ajay Maurya, a highly accomplished and experienced Trainer has an extensive traing experience of 15+ years. He carries a wide ranging experience of 10 years, with HP Computer, Oracle Technology, Bestech Solutions and 5 years into Corporate Training to serve as a trainer.

SQL for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Learn SQL Database
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