259/1A 3rd Floor, ADA Rd, Vinoba Nagar, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211010
05323557581, +919555433745 (9am - 8pm IST, Monday - Saturday)
Training | Development | Internship
Basic understandings of Computer programming.
In this lecture, you're going to learn what the pluggable database (multitenant architecture) is in Oracle Database.
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to get a database to proceed with the SQL for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Learn SQL Step by Step course.
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to download and install two virtualization software programs which are VMware and VirtualBox step by step.
In this tutorial, the participants will learn how to download the virtual machine image.
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to import the virtual machine image they downloaded into the VMware virtualization software as well as how to configure the virtual machine to get the most out of it.
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to import the virtual machine image they downloaded into the Oracle VirtualBox virtualization software as well as how to configure the virtual machine to get the most out of it.
In this SQL tutorial, the participants will learn how to configure SQL Developer inside of the Virtual Machine image that they downloaded step by step.
In this lecture, students are going to learn the oracle database 19c installation.
Lecture keywords: "oracle", "oracle sql", "oracle database", "oracle database installation", "oracle database 19c installation".
In this lecture, our students are going to learn how to unlock the HR schema to practice throughout the course.
This lecture covers how to download and configure Oracle SQL Developer software and how to connect to the Oracle Database 19c.
You will learn the sql statements in basic way..
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "sql statements", "basic sql statements".
You will find some tips for SQL Coding!
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "sql coding", "coding tips", "sql coding tips".
Tables are the main elements of SQL programming. So you will find the description of these tables.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "oracle tables", "describing tables".
You will find how to SELECT data with using SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","select statement".
How to rename the columns in SQL Select statements
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","aliasing the columns".
Using SQL select statements for retrieving the values for one time.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","distinct", "distinct operator".
Using SQL concatenation operators to unite more than one rows.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","concatenation".
Learn arithmetic operations in SQL programming..
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","arithmetic functions".
In this lesson we're going to learn what is the null values and is it dangerous?
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","null","null values".
Restricting the returning rows with using SQL Where clause.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","where","where clause".
Learn the comparison opreators in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","where","comparison operators".
Learn Between and AND operators in SQL where clause.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","between", "between and operators".
In this lesson we're going to learn what is the IN operator?
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","in","in operator".
In this lesson we're going to learn what is the LIKE and how it is used?
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","like","get me something like this".
In this lesson we're going to learn what if we looking for something NULL?
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","null","what if we looking for null values".
Learn how to use logical operators which are AND operator, OR operator, NOT operator in SQL programming.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database","logical operators","and","or","not","and operator","or operator","not operator".
SQL pre-defined functions in Oracle.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "functions", "oracle functions".
Learn how to convert data.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "converting data", "conversion data".
In this lesson, we're going to explain "Conversion Functions".
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions".
In this lesson, we're going to learn how to convert any data type to a character with TO_CHAR function.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions", "to_char", "to_char function".
In this lesson, we're going to learn how to convert data to a date with TO_DATE function.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "conversion", "conversion functions", "to_date", "to_date function".
Handling the NULL values in SQL
Ordering the returning rows in SQL Select statements..
Changing the direction of the returning rows in sql select statement
What are the single row functions in SQL
In this lesson, we're going to learn "Character Functions" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "character functions".
In this lesson, we're going to learn "Number Functions" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "number functions".
In this lesson, we're going to learn "Nesting Functions" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "nesting functions".
In this lesson, we're going to learn "Date Functions" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "date functions".
Learn how to use Oracle's specific Decode function in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "single row functions", "decode function".
What are group functions and how to use them in SQL
In this lesson, we're going to explain "MAX Function" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "max function".
In this lesson, we're going to learn "MIN Function" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "min function".
Getting the number of the returning rows in SQL.
In this lesson, we're going to explain "Count Function" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "count function".
In this lesson, we're going to explain "AVG Function" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "average function", "avg function".
In this lesson, we're going to explain "SUM Function" in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "grouping the data", "group functions", "sum function".
This lecture teaches you how to group the data and return one value with using more than one data by these groups
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " installing oracle ", " group by "
This lecture teaches you how to use HAVING Clause.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " group by " , "having clause".
This lecture teaches you introducing Joins and what does join means in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "what is join?".
This lecture teaches you types of joins in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "types of joins".
This lecture teaches you joining tables with using natural join keyword.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "joining tables", "natural join".
This lecture teaches you joining tables with using USING clause.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " join with using clause ".
This lecture teaches you joining tables with using ON keyword.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " join with on clause ".
This lecture teaches you joining tables with itself, which is called as self join.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " self join ".
This lecture teaches you joining tables with more than two tables
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " joining tables ", " multiple tables ".
This lecture teaches you what are the Outer joins in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "outer joins".
This lecture teaches you what are the left joins in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "left joins", " left outer joins ".
This lecture teaches you what are the right joins in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , " oracle joins ", " right joins ", " right outer joins ".
This lecture teaches you what are the full outer joins in SQL.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins" , "oracle joins", "full outer joins".
This lecture teaches you what are the cross joins in SQL programming language (Cartesian Product).
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", " learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " joins " , " oracle joins ", " cross joins ", " cartesian product ".
This lecture teaches you what is a subquery in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " what is a subquery ".
This lecture teaches you Single Row Subqueries in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " single row subqueries ".
This lecture teaches you Multiple Row Subqueries in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " multiple row subqueries ".
This lecture teaches you Multiple Column Subqueries in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " subquery" , " subqueries ", "oracle subqueries ", " multiple column subqueries ".
This lecture introduces you what are the SET Operators and why do we use them?
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ".
This lecture introduces you what are the UNION and UNION ALL Operators how to use them.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ", " union " , " union all ".
This lecture introduces you INTERSECTing and EXTRACTing queries.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ", " minus " , " extract ".
This lecture introduces you mor in SET Operators.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " set operators " , " oracle set operators ".
This lecture introduces you what are the DML Operations and why it is used for?
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations ".
This lecture introduces you inserting a new record to table.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations " , " inserting data " , " inserting new record ".
This lecture introduces you how to update existing record in the tables.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " data manipulation language " , " dml ", " oracle dml " , " oracle dml operations " , " inserting data " , " update " , " update the existing record ".
This SQL tutorial explains how to delete records from the tables.
Lecture Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "data manipulation language" , "dml", "oracle dml" , "oracle dml operations" , "inserting data" , "delete " ,"delete the data", "delete records".
This SQL tutorial covers what the COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in SQL with practical examples.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "data manipulation language", "dml", "oracle dml", "dml operations", "sql commit", "rollback", "commit statements ", "rollback statements".
This lecture introduces you how to create a table with multiple ways and rename it
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " creating table ", " renaming tables ".
This lecture introduces you how to drop a table.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " dropping table ", " oracle dropping tables".
This lecture introduces you how do we add a new column to a table.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " adding new column to a table ", " adding columns to tables ".
This lecture introduces you how to modify an existing column in SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " sql programming language " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", " modifying column ", " how to modify an existing column ".
This lecture introduces you to how to drop an existing column of a table in the SQL programming language.
Lesson Keywords: " sql ", " oracle sql ", "learn sql ", " sql training ", " sql course ", " sql programming language " oracle database ", " ddl " , " oracle ddl " , " data definition language ", "drop column ", "oracle drop column", "how to drop an existing column".
In this lesson, you are going to learn how to download and install the Oracle database software for running SQL codes.
Lesson Keywords: "sql", "oracle sql", "learn sql", "sql training", "sql course", "oracle database", "installing oracle", "installing and downloading oracle database" , " oracle database download ".
Track | Week Days | Course Duration | Fast Track |
Course Duration | 45 - 60 Days | 10 Weekends | 15 Days |
Hours | 2 Hrs. Per Day | 3 Hrs. Per Day | 6+ Hrs. Per Day |
Training Mode | Classroom/Online | Classroom/Online | Classroom/Online |
Conax Infotech's SQL for Beginners made learning databases a breeze. The instructors were patient, and the course content was easy to follow. Highly recommended!
Conax Infotech's course was a game-changer for me. The trainers simplified SQL concepts, and the practical exercises were valuable. Thank you, Conax Infotech!
The SQL for Beginners course by Conax Infotech was fantastic. I can now work with databases confidently. Great course!