How to conduct Phone Interviews

Sep 18, 2022
Normally a person preparing for phone interviews comes across tips on how to be on the receiving end; however, what if you need to be the one to conduct the interview? If you’re an employer looking to screen an interested applicant via phone interviews, then keep these guidelines in mind:


Plan phone interviews if you’re on a constantly busy schedule, it would be wise to plan ahead. Find a day when you’re free to conduct phone interviews. If your schedule is so jam-packed that you have absolutely no time to conduct the interview yourself, find someone to do it for you, then clarify the details together. On the other hand, if your responsibilities as an employer don’t take up much of your time, don’t delay the interview. Why put off something you can do now?


Either via email, mail, text message or phone call, let your applicant know that you’re scheduling one or several phone interviews with him or her. You’re welcome to inform your applicant yourself, or you could ask a secretary or HR person to do it for you. What’s important is that the applicant knows that you’ve received his or her application, and you’re willing to have them interviewed for the job. Make sure that your notification is phrased in such a way that you elicit a response from your applicant.

Conversely, you may opt to call your applicant at random, without informing them beforehand; this is the way to go if you have no time on your hands whatsoever, or if you desire to test the applicant’s abilities and performance on the spot, which any other employer might do.


Before you make the call, however, remember that you’re about to interview a potential employee, so as a future boss, you must be familiar with his or her application. Look over your applicant’s resume several times, and take note of everything that may be of use to you. Keep in mind that you’re looking for a reason to hire this person. Gather what useful information you can from his or her resume and job application.


The crucial element of phone interviews that you as an employer should keep in mind are the questions that you ask. Of course, the outcome depends on your applicant’s answers, but you can’t expect them to give good answers if you don’t give good questions. Phone interviews are two-way conversations. When you’ve gathered enough information about your applicant, brainstorm and write down all the possible questions that you should ask – these questions are for your benefit as well. However, be sure to maintain a limit; neither you nor your applicant would want phone interviews that take too long. Brainstorm, then narrow down your questions, editing as you go along.


Even as an employer, hence superior, you’re as likely to fumble over your words as your applicant, it’s only human. Be sure that you practice speaking and asking questions well before the phone interviews; or, at the very least, a few minutes before.

Phone interviews are easy to conduct if you know what you’re doing as an employer. Just keep these in mind and you’re all set.

Thank you

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